Hello 🖐🏾 I'm Prince! I'm a software developer with over a year of experience using both the .NET and JavaScript frameworks
Web Developer
Best design award
Software developer
me 😁
I'm a seasoned software engineer with over a year of experience building and shipping high-quality software products. I have a passion for solving complex problems and delivering elegant solutions that empower users and drive business results. My expertise spans the full software development lifecycle, from designing and architecting scalable systems to writing clean, maintainable code and deploying it to production. I'm well-versed in a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including React Js, Next Js, Node Js, SASS, C#, .NET, MSSQL, MongoDB, Docker, and Azure, and I'm constantly learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices
Software Developer
Develops server side and Desktop applications using technologies like the .NET framewor, C#, MSSQL, etc
Frontend Developer
Designs and develop beautiful web user interface with wonderful user experience using various javascript framework like React.Js, Next.Js, Redux, Typescript...etc
Product Designer
Creates beautiful designs for clients and organizations using tools like Canva, Corel draw etc
React Js
Google Maps
Node Js
Cloudinary API
Skills 🔨
Industry level
Works for all these
Brands and Clients
I am/was a software developer at various organizations, clients and platforms.
I founded GOPack, an open-source javascript library which helps developers with little to no experience of Webpack build and bundle their projects into static files
Featured Projects
I've developed
Featured ProjectGOPack
GOPack is an open-source JavaScript library built using Node Js, webpack, and babel. It was developed to help javascript developers unfamiliar with webpack bundle their projects into static files using pre-written webpack configuration and pre-installed loaders.
Node JsWebpackBabelTypescriptGitGitHub
Featured ProjectNigTrak
NigTrak is a real-time location tracker (UI Only) that tracks registered personnel wherever they are in the world. It was developed for a previous organization. The backend is yet to be integrated into it. It uses React Js and SCSS for the frontend, Node Js and MSSQL for the backend and MQTT and WebSocket for the realtime communication
OnlineAuction is an auctioning web application developed for a client on Fiverr, where can sugn-up, create, bid, buy, and sell products
Next JsREST APIDockerMongoDBGitGitHubCloudinary API
Featured ProjectGOChat
This is a chat web application where users from around the world can sign up and communicate with thier family and friends. It was developed using React Js, Next Js and SCSS for the frontend. .NET, C# and MSSQL for it's backend, and Node Js for the web socket.
This is a UI dashboard/website developed for an interview i had with LendSQR. It was developed using React Js and SCSS for the frontend, Jest and React testing library for Unit and integration tests and Docker for deploying to containers.
This is a website that was and is currently being developed for charity, using HTML, CSS and Javascript
This is one of the versions of payment web application (UI only) that was and is currently being developed for an organization i worked for. It is an application where customers of the organization can pay for the organization's resources they consume, E.g Power/Energy
React JsSCSSGitGitHub
Expenses App
This is a website/dummy project that was developed while i was learning React Js, it tracks a user's yearly expenses
React JsCSSGitGitHub
Meetup App
This is a website/dummy project that was developed while i was learning React Js, it keeps track of one's meetup
React JsCSSGitFirebaseGitHub
This is a website/dummy project that was developed while i was learning React Js, it is a UI clone of Netflix
React JsSCSSGitGitHub
This is a website that was developed inorder to display my skills and services. (It was my previous portfolio)
Clients always get Exceptional Work from me...
Tunde Tiamiyu
I wanted to take a moment to express my admiration for your progress as a full stack developer. Your technical skills aside, I also want to commend you on your professionalism and work ethic. You consistently meet deadlines, communicate effectively with your colleagues, and always strive to improve upon your work. These qualities are rare and highly valued in the industry.
Badmus Sodiq
Prince is a smart and dedicated worker whose work ethic is top-notch. He has a vast knowledge of technology and he is good at what he does. His learning ability is on another level. He makes sure he gets the job done roll and working no what what it takes.